Using CloudFormation

This topic describes the Eucalyptus implementation of the AWS CloudFormation web service, how CloudFormation works, and some details and examples of how to add CloudFormation to your Eucalyptus deployment.

Why use CloudFormation?

Cloud computing allows for application repeatability and redundancy. This means that you can spin up as many virtual machines as you need, but the application configuration only needs to happen when the images are created. CloudFormation takes this concept to the next level: it allows you to configure an entire set of resources (instances, security groups, user roles and policies, and more) in a single JSON template file. Then you can run all with a single command. So, you don't just get machine repeatability, you get environment repeatability. CloudFormation allows you to clone environments in different cloud setups, as well as giving applications the ability to be set up and torn down in a repeatable manner.

How does CloudFormation Work?

CloudFormation manages a set of resources, called a stack, in batch operations (create, update, or delete). Stacks are described in JSON templates, and can be simple, as the following example:

  "Resources" : {
    "MyInstance": {
      "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "Properties": {
        "ImageId" : "emi-db0b2276"

This stack creates a single instance, based on the image with ID emi-db0b2276. However, this stack is not portable because different clouds might have different image IDs.

CloudFormation allows stack customization through user parameters that are passed in at stack creation time. The following is an example of the template above with a user parameter called MyImageId. Changes are in bold.

  "Parameters": {
    "MyImageId": {
      "Description":"Image id",
  "Resources" : {
    "MyInstance": {
      "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "Properties": {
        "ImageId" : { "Ref" : "MyImageId" }

This stack creates a single instance, but the image ID will be required to be passed in using the command line. For example, the following example uses the euform-create-stack command in Euca2ools:

euform-create-stack --template-file template.json -p MyImageId=emi-db0b2276 MyStack

This command passes the parameter MyImageId with value emi-db0b2276 into the stack creation process using the -p flag.

You can also use templates to create multiple resources and associate them with each other. For example, the following template creates an instance with its own security group and ingress rule. Additions are in bold.

  "Parameters": {
    "MyImageId": {
      "Description":"Image id",
  "Resources" : {
    "MySecurityGroup": {
      "Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
      "Properties": {
        "GroupDescription" : "Security Group with Ingress Rule for MyInstance",
        "SecurityGroupIngress" : [
            "IpProtocol" : "tcp",
            "FromPort" : "22",
            "ToPort" : "22",
            "CidrIp" : ""
    "MyInstance": {
      "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
      "Properties": {
        "ImageId" : { "Ref":"MyImageId" },
        "SecurityGroups" : [ 
          { "Ref" : "MySecurityGroup" } 

Templates can be more complicated than the ones shown above, but CloudFormation allows many resources to be deployed in one operation. Resources from most Eucalyptus services are supported.

CloudFormation Requirements

To run CloudFormation on Eucalyptus, you need the following:

Supported Resources

The following resources are supported by CloudFormation in Eucalyptus.

Resource Description
AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: HealthCheckType, Tags, and VpcZoneIdentifier.
AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except AssociatePublicIpAddress.
AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::CloudFormation::WaitConditionHandle. All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::CustomerGateway All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::DHCPOptions All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::EIP All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except Domain.
AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: AllocationId, NetworkInterfaceId, and PrivateIpAddress.
AWS::EC2::Instance All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: NetworkInterfaces, SecurityGroupIds, SourceDestCheck, Tags, and Tenancy. All other properties are forwarded to the Compute service internally but VPC is not implemented so VPC oriented properties are likely ignored there.
AWS::EC2::InternetGateway All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::NetworkInterface All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::Route All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::RouteTable All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: SecurityGroupEgress, Tags, and VpcId.
AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupEgress All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except SourceSecurityGroupId.
AWS::EC2::Subnet All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::Volume All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: HealthCheckType and Tags.
AWS::EC2::VolumeAttachment All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::VPC All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::ElasticLoadBalancing::LoadBalancer All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except: AccessLoggingPolicy, ConnectionDrainingPolicy, CrossZone, Policies.InstancePorts, and Policies.LoadBalanerPorts. All other properties are passed through to the LoadBalancing service internally but some features are not implemented so properties may be ignored there.
AWS::IAM::AccessKey All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported except Serial.
AWS::IAM::Group All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::IAM::Policy All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::IAM::Role All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::IAM::User All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::IAM::UserToGroupAddition All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.
AWS::S3::Bucket All properties in the Template Reference section of the AWS CloudFormation User Guide are supported.

CloudFormation Registration

To register CloudFormation for your cloud, enter the following command:

euserv-register-service -t CloudFormation -h CLOUD_FORMATION_HOST_IP SVCINSTANCE

For example:

euserv-register-service -t CloudFormation -h cfn

Eucalyptus returns information similar to the following:

Created new partition 'cfn'
 SERVICE    cloudformation   	 cfn  		 cfn
 CloudFormation    arn:euca:bootstrap:cfn:cloudformation:cfn/

The CloudFormation service will be shown when you run euserv-describe-services.


The service WSDL URL for CloudFormation is of the form:


The services path may not be necessary if DNS is enabled, it may look something like this:

CloudFormation follows the same convention as the other user-facing services.
