
Eucalyptus adds quota enforcement to resource usage. To avoid introducing another configuration language into Eucalyptus, and simplify the management, we extend the IAM policy language to support quotas.

The only addition added to the language is the new limit effect. If a policy statement’s effect is limit, it is a quota statement.

A quota statement also has action and resource fields. You can use these fields to match specific requests, for example, quota only being checked on matched requests. The actual quota type and value are specified using special quota keys, and listed in the condition part of the statement. Only condition type NumericLessThanEquals can be used with quota keys.

Important: An account can only have a quota policy. Accounts can only accept IAM policies where Effect is "Deny" or "Limit". If you attach an IAM policy to an account where the Effect is "Allow", you will get unexpected results.

The following quota policy statement limits the attached user to only launch a maximum of 16 instances in an account.


You can attach quotas to both users and accounts, although some of the quotas only apply to accounts. Quota attached to groups will take no effect.

When a quota policy is attached to an account, it actually is attached to the account administrator user. Since only system administrator can specify account quotas, the account administrator can only inspect quotas but can't change the quotas attached to herself.

The following is all the quota keys implemented in Eucalyptus:

Quota Key Description Applies to
autoscaling:quota-autoscalinggroupnumber The number of Autoscaling Groups account and user
autoscaling:quota-launchconfigurationnumber Number of Autoscaling Group Launch Configurations account and user
autoscaling:quota-scalingpolicynumber Number of Autoscaling Group Scaling Policies account and user
cloudformation:quota-stacknumber Number of Cloudformation stacks allowed to create account
ec2:quota-addressnumber Number of elastic IPs account and user
ec2:quota-cputotalsize Number of Total CPUs Used by EC2 Instances account and user
ec2:quota-disktotalsize Number of Total Disk Space (in GB) of EC2 Instances account and user
ec2:quota-imagenumber Number of EC2 images account and user
ec2:quota-internetgatewaynumber Number of EC2 VPC Internet Gateways account and user
ec2:quota-memorytotalsize Number of Total Amount of Memory Used by EC2 Instances account and user
ec2:quota-securitygroupnumber Number of EC2 security groups account and user
ec2:quota-snapshotnumber Number of EC2 snapshots account and user
ec2:quota-vminstancenumber Number of EC2 instances account and user
ec2:quota-vminstanceactivenumber Number of EC2 Instances Using Node Resources (pending, running, shutting-down, etc.) account and user
ec2:quota-volumenumber Number of EC2 volumes account and user
ec2:quota-volumetotalsize Number of total volume size, in GB account and user
ec2:quota-vpcnumber Number of EC2 VPCs account and user
elasticloadbalancing:quota-loadbalancernumber Number of Elastic Load Balancers account
iam:quota-groupnumber Number of IAM groups account
iam:quota-instanceprofilenumber Number of IAM Instance Profiles account and user
iam:quota-rolenumber Number of IAM Roles account and user
iam:quota-servercertificatenumber Number of IAM Server Certificates account and user
iam:quota-usernumber Number of IAM users account
s3:quota-bucketnumber Number of S3 buckets account and user
s3:quota-bucketobjectnumber Number of objects in each bucket account and user
s3:quota-bucketsize Size of bucket, in MB account and user
s3:quota-buckettotalsize total size of all buckets, in MB account and user

Default Quota

Contrary to IAM policies, by default, there is no quota limits (except the hard system limit) on any resource allocations for a user or an account. Also, system administrators are not constrained by any quota. Account administrators are only be constrained by account quota.