Configure the Database

To configure the database in your data warehouse perform the tasks

  1. Initialize the PostgreSQL database.
    service postgresql-9.1 initdb
  2. Start the PostgreSQL service.
    service postgresql-9.1 start
  3. Log in to the PostgreSQL server.
    su - postgres
  4. Start the PostgreSQL terminal.
  5. At the psql prompt run:
    create database eucalyptus_reporting;
    create user eucalyptus with password 'mypassword';
    grant all on database eucalyptus_reporting to eucalyptus;
  6. Log out.
  7. Edit the /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data/pg_hba.conf file to contain the following content:
    local   all             all                                     password
    host    all             all               password
    host    all             all             ::1/128                 password
  8. Reload the PostgreSQL service.
    service postgresql-9.1 reload
Your machine is now configured as a data warehouse.