Troubleshooting CloudFormation

This topic describes some of the issues that can happen with CloudFormation. It also talks about how you can detect these issues, and offers some ways to fix the issues.

Invalid JSON
JSON must be syntactically valid. For example, if you don't type in the final } character in a template, the euform-create-stack command returns an error message.
euform-create-stack: error (ValidationError): Unexpected end-of-input: 
expected close marker for OBJECT (from [Source:; 
line: 1, column: 0]) at [Source:; line: 38, 
column : 849]

If you see an error like this, there is most likely something syntactically wrong with your JSON template. Some editors can detect things like unbalanced parentheses, but in the worst case you can paste your template into this URL and it will help you find syntax errors.

Invalid Argument
If you try to create, for example, a stack that already exists, you will get a simple error message.
euform-create-stack: error (AlreadyExists): Stack already exists
Invalid Reference
If you use an invalid reference to, for example, a resource that doesn't exit, Eucalyptus returns a simple error message.
euform-create-stack: error (ValidationError): Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies [MySecurityGroup2] in the Resources block of the template>
Complex Errors
Not all errors are simple. We recommend that you use euform-describe-stacks and euform-describe-stack-resources to determine the current state of the stack. If there's an error, it will usually be shown in the euform-describe-stack-events output. Otherwise, you will have to dig into the cloud-output.log file for further information.

You can also manually delete resources if they are causing issues. If a euform-delete-stack fails, you can delete the offending resource and try again.
