
Enables collection of auto scaling group metrics.


AutoScalingGroupName --granularity value
[--metrics value [,value...] ]


Option Description Required
AutoScalingGroupName The name of the auto scaling group. Yes
-g, --granularity value Specifies the unit of granularity to collect. Use euscale-describe-metric-collection-types to retrieve a list of valid values. Yes
-m, --metrics value[,value1,value2,value3...] A delimited list of metrics to collect. If this parameter is not specified, all metrics are collected. No

Common Options

Option Description
--show-empty-fields Show empty fields using (nil) as a placeholder to indicate that this data was not requested. Empty fields are not shown by default.
--region value Specify region value as the cloud region to use. You can set this by using the environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.
-U,--url value Overrides the URL for the service call with the value entered. You can set this by using the environment variable AWS_AUTOSCALING_URL.
-I, --access-key-id value User's access key ID
-S, --secret-key value User's AWS secret Key to use.
--debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
--version Display the version of this tool.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.


This command returns no output.

