Instance Detail - General

This page provides the details of an instance.


This section allows you to view details about the instance. The name is the only attribute about the instance that can be edited.

  • To rename the instance, type the new name of the instance in the Name text field.

Actions menu

Clicking the Actions button brings up a menu of actions that you can perform on the selected instance.

The following context menu actions are available:
  • Connect to instance. Selecting this option displays a dialog with instructions detailing how to connect to the selected instance.
  • Launch more like this. Selecting this option displays a dialog that allows you to create and customize one or more instances like the selected instance.
  • Create launch configuration. A launch configuration is used to define the parameters for new instances that are launched as part of your auto scaling group. Selecting this option displays the Create new launch configuration wizard.
    Note: For more information on Auto Scaling, see Using Auto Scaling in the Eucalyptus User Guide.
  • Create image. Selecting this option allows you to create a new image. Refer to the Help on that page to complete the fields.
  • View console output. Selecting this option displays a dialog box showing the selected instance's console output.
  • Associate IP address. Selecting this option opens the volume management page that will allow you to attach and detach volumes for the selected instance.
  • Stop. This option displays for only EBS-backed instances that are active. Select this option to stop the selected EBS-backed instance.
  • Start. This option displays for only EBS-backed instances that are stopped. Select this option to start the selected EBS-backed instance.
  • Reboot. Select this option to reboot the selected instance.
  • Terminate. Select this option to terminate the selected instance.
    Note: A terminated instance can't be restarted.


This section provides information about the image used for this instance.


To help you manage your cloud's instances, images, and other Eucalyptus resources, you can optionally assign your own metadata to resources in the form of tags. You can use tags to create user-friendly names, make resource searching easier, and improve coordination between multiple users. You can optionally add tags by performing the following steps:

Add tags

To add new tags:
  1. Type the key name for your tag into the name... text box.
    Note: Tags cannot start with "euca:" or "aws:".
  2. Type the value for your tag into the value... text box.
  3. Click the Add Tag button.
  4. If you wish to add additional tags, repeat the preceding steps.
  5. To delete one or more tags, move your mouse over the tag you wish to delete, and click the X button.

Saving Your Changes

Once you're satisfied with the edits to your instance, click the Save changes button.