
Shows information about one or more security groups.


euca-describe-group [ group_name | group_ID ] [[--filter "name=value"] ...]


Option Description Required
group_name Name or ID of a security group, if you want information about one particular group No
-F, --filter name=value Filter for limiting the results. See the table in the Available Filters section for a list of filters. Use quotation marks if the value has a space ("name=value example"). On a Windows system, use quotation marks even without a space in the value ("name=value"). No

Available Filters

You can add filters to your request so that the response includes information for only certain groups. For example, you can use a filter to return only a group whose name contains a specific string. Some tips for using filters with this command:

The following are the available filters for euca-describe-group:

Filter Description
description Description of the group
group-name Name of the security group
ip-permission.cidr CIDR range that has been granted the permission
ip-permission.from-port Start of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP type number. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (that is, any ICMP type number). Name of security group that has been granted the permission
ip-permission.protocol IP protocol for the permission

Valid Values: tcp | udp | icmp End of port range for the TCP and UDP protocols, or an ICMP code. An ICMP type number of -1 indicates a wildcard (that is, any ICMP type number).
ip-permission.user-id ID of Eucalyptus account that has been granted the permission
owner-id Eucalyptus account ID of the owner of the security group
tag-key Key of a tag assigned to the resource you want to filter. This filter is independent of the tag-value filter and returns all resources assigned the tag key you use, regardless of the value. To filter on a specific key and value set, use the tag:key filter.
tag-value Value of a tag assigned to the resource. This filter is independent of the tag-key filter and returns all resources assigned the tag value you use, regardless of the key. To filter on a specific key and value set, use the tag:key filter.
tag:key Filters the results based on a specific tag/value combination

Common Options

Option Description
--show-empty-fields Show empty fields as "(nil)".
--region user@region Region and/or user name to search when looking up config file data. Only valid for EC2 endpoints.
-U,--url url URL of the cloud service to connect to. For administrative commands, this should be <ip_address>:8773/services/Empyrean.
-I,--access-key-id key_id User's access key ID.
-S,--secret-key secret_key User's secret key.
--security-token token User's security token.
--debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.
--version Display the version of this tool.



euca-describe-group scottb-test
GROUP			scottb-test	ScottB Test
PERMISSION		scottb-test	ALLOWS	tcp	22		22	FROM	CIDR		ingress
PERMISSION		scottb-test	ALLOWS	tcp	3389	3389	FROM	CIDR		ingress
PERMISSION		scottb-test	ALLOWS	tcp					FROM	CIDR		ingress