
Adds a new access key to the user sending the request, unless otherwise specified. Eucalyptus prints the secret access key to the console. We recommend that you write this to a file.


euare-useraddkey [-w] [-d DOMAIN] [-l] [--as-account ACCOUNT] [-U URL]

  [--region USER@REGION] [-I KEY_ID] [-S KEY]
  [--security-token TOKEN] [--debug] [--debugger] [--version] [-h]    USER

Positional Arguments

Argument Description
USER The user to whom the new key will belong (default: current user).


Option Description Required
-w, --write-config Output access keys and region information in the form of a euca2ools.ini(5) configuration file instead of by themselves. No
-d, --domain DOMAIN DNS domain to use for region information in configuration file output (default: based on IAM URL). No
-l, --set-default-user Set this user as the default user for the region in the euca2ools.ini configuration file output. This option is only useful when used with the -w parameter. No
--as-account ACCOUNT [Eucalyptus cloud admin only] Run this command as the administrator of another account. No

Common Options

Option Description
--region=region Region to direct requests to.
-U url,--url=url Override service URL with this value.
--as-account account This Eucalyptus extension is for use by the system administrator to act as the account administrator of the specified account without changing to account administrator's role.
-I access_key_id, --access-key=access_key_id Override configured access key ID with this value.
-S secret_key, --secret-key=secret_key Override configured secret key with this value.
--security-token=token Security token.
-D, --debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.
--version Display the version of this tool.



The following example generates new keys for the user who owns the requesting credentials.


The following example generates new keys for myuser.

euare-useraddkey myuser

The following example adds keys for the user 'alice' and writes them to a file named alice.ini:

euare-useraddkey alice -w > ~/.euca/alice.ini