Known Issues

This topic lists known issues in Eucalyptus 4.4.1 and its dependencies.

Please contact Eucalyptus Support for known workarounds to these issues.

Outstanding known issues from previous releases:

Issue Description
esi-* tools have issues with HTTPS endpoints (EUCA-11682) Workaround: Use non-HTTPS endpoints, for example, use localhost region. See linked bug for procedure.
ImportInstance failed to create booting instance on HTTPS-enabled Eucalyptus Cloud (EUCA-12253) See linked bug for more information.
Unable to replace copied object (EUCA-12439) Copied objects are added as a duplicate object.

Workaround: Manually delete the unwanted duplicate entry.

Failed migration due to space limitations leave instance's artifacts on destination host (EUCA-12468) See linked bug for more information.
JVM crash after creating numerous Ceph volumes (EUCA-12953) See linked bug for more information.
S3 signature v4 error creating bucket using aws cli (EUCA-13098)

When creating a bucket using the aws cli signature, v4 request signing will be used by default. Due to a bug in the AWS cli, the request is invalid.

Workaround: To explicitly configure use of signature v4:

# aws configure set s3.signature_version s3v4

See the aws cli issue

Ceph null context assertion crashes eucalyptus-cloud (EUCA-13199) See linked bug for more information.
eucanetd fails to provision network artifacts for new VMs when < 100% of gateways are available (EUCA-13217) See linked bug for more information.
CloudFormation: Stack fails when using NetworkInterfaceId property in AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation resource (EUCA-13230) Workaround: Add an explicit dependency to order the resource creation.

See linked bug for more information.

Multi-AZ ELB returns 503 when one out of three backend instances are in 'InService' state (EUCA-13233) When the ELB has one out of three back-end instances registered with an InService state, any query against the ELB returns a 503. Eventually, a 200 code is returned.

See linked bug for more information.

S3 signature v4 form post is unsupported (EUCA-13238) See linked bug for more information.
CloudFormation nested stacks: Outputs from stack resources cannot be used as parameter values for other stacks (EUCA-13258) Outputs used from one CloudFormation stack cannot be passed as parameter values using Fn::GetAtt.

See linked bug for more information.

Bucket object URLs not displayed properly in IE11 (GUI-2215) Workaround: Use another Internet browser if necessary.
Metrics landing page display issues (GUI-2503) In FireFox, if the browser is displayed widely, the Actions menu displays too far right and becomes partially cut off.

Workaround: Narrow the width of the browser or use another Internet browser.

ELB Instances page doesn't always automatically select instances in the ELB. (GUI-2567) Issue appears intermittent. See linked bug for more information.
Memcache is not cleared when user adds a new image or makes image public. (GUI-2669) When a user adds an image or changes permissions on image, it does not take effect immediately. The refresh time is considerable.

Workaround: To make images available sooner, restart the console by running servicectl restart eucaconsole.

Authorize ports for ELB created in VPC.(GUI-2673) See linked bug for more information.
Cloud formation stack supplied via URL in the console throws "Can not read from URL provided" error.(GUI-2912) See linked bug for more information.