
Remove one or more listeners from a load balancer. If a listener named with --lb-ports does not exist, this command still succeeds.


eulb-delete-lb-listeners --lb-ports PORT1,PORT2,... ELB


Option Description Required
--lb-ports PORT1,PORT2,... Port numbers of the listeners to remove. Yes
ELB Name of the load balancer to delete Yes

Common Options

Option Description
--region USER@REGION Name of the region or user in config files to use to connect to the service
-U URL, --url URL Load balancing service endpoint URL
-I key_id, --access-key-id key_id User's access key ID
-S key, --secret-key key User's AWS secret key
--show-empty-fields Show empty fields using (nil) as a placeholder to indicate that this data was not requested. Empty fields are not shown by default.


Eucalyptus returns no output.


eulb-delete-lb-listeners --lb-ports 22 MyLoadBalancer