Shutdown Services

This topic describes how to stop all Eucalyptus services.


See Prepare for Upgrade for the complete list of upgrade prerequisites.

The steps you take depend upon where Eucalyptus services are hosted.

To shut down Eucalyptus services

  1. Log in to the CLC host machine and shut down the CLC service:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cloud.service
  2. If you have separate SC host machines, log in to each host and shut down the SC services:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cloud.service
  3. If you have a separate Walrus host machine, log in and shut down the Walrus backend services:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cloud.service
  4. If you have separate UFS host machines, log in to each host and shut down the UFS services:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cloud.service
  5. If there are any other Eucalyptus services (for example Walrus, SC, UFS) co-located on the CC host machine, use this command to shut down the other services on the CC host, and in the correct order:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cloud.service
  6. Log in to each CC host machine and shut down the CC service:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-cluster.service
  7. (Optional) If you are not sure which hosts are running eucanetd, check the status on each CLC, CC, and NC:
    systemctl status eucanetd.service
    Important: Depending on your network configuration, eucanetd might be running on any of these hosts. Also note that it can be installed and not running. See About Eucanetd for more information.

    Make note of all hosts that have eucanetd running; you'll need this when you start up the services again.

  8. Log in to each host machine running eucanetd and shut it down:
    systemctl stop eucanetd.service
  9. Log in to each NC host machine and shut down the NC service:
    systemctl stop eucalyptus-node.service
    Note: Running instances on the NC will continue running. For more information see Warm Upgrade.
  10. Log in to each Management Console host machine and shut down the console service:
    systemctl stop eucaconsole.service
You are now ready to Upgrade Euca2ools Package Repositories.