
Shows information about service-affecting events.
Note: The euserv-describe-events command is intended to replace the -E option in the euca-describe-services command and is currently under Technical Preview and is subject to change without notice.


euserv-describe-events [-s] [-f FORMAT]


Events come in the form of a list, where each event contains one or more of the following tags:

Tag Description
id A unique ID for the event.
message A free-form text description of the event.
severity The message's severity (FATAL, URGENT, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE).
stack-trace The stack trace, if any, corresponding to the event. The -s option is required to make this appear.
subject-arn The Eucalyptus ARN of the service affected by the event.
subject-name The name of the service affected by the event.
subject-type The type of service affected by the event.
timestamp The date and time of the event's creation.


Note: The euserv-describe-events command requires access keys and knowledge of where to locate the web services it needs to contact. It can obtain these from several locations.
Environment Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key ID to use when authenticating web service requests. This takes precedence over and euca2ools.ini, but not -I.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key to use when authenticating web service requests. This takes precedence over --region and euca2ools.ini(5), but not -S.
EUCA_BOOTSTRAP_URL The URL of the service to contact. This takes precedence over --region and euca2ools.ini, but not -U.


Option Description Required
-f, --format format Print events in a given format, where format can be: yaml or oneline, and format:string. See Output for details about each format. When omitted, the format defaults to yaml. No
-s, --show-stack-traces Include the stack-trace tag in events' data. This is omitted by default due to its length. No

Common Options

Option Description
--show-empty-fields Show empty fields as "(nil)".
--region user@region Region and/or user name to search when looking up config file data. Only valid for EC2 endpoints.
-U,--url url URL of the cloud service to connect to. For administrative commands, this should be <ip_address>:8773/services/Empyrean.
-I,--access-key-id key_id User's access key ID.
-S,--secret-key secret_key User's secret key.
--security-token token User's security token.
--debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.
--version Display the version of this tool.


There are several built-in formats, and you can define additional formats using a format: string, as described below. Here are the details of the built-in formats:

This outputs block-style YAML designed to be easily readable. Tags that are empty or not defined do not appear in this output at all.
            - timestamp: {timestamp}
            severity: {severity}
            id: {id}
            subject-type: {subject-type}
            subject-name: {subject-name}
            subject-host: {subject-host}
            subject-arn: {subject-arn}
            message: |-
            stack-trace: |-
This output is designed to be as compact as possible.
{timestamp} {severity} {subject-type} {subject-name} {message}
The format:string format allows you to specify which information you want to show using placeholders enclosed in curly braces to indicate where to show the tags for each event. For example:
euserv-describe-events -f "format:{timestamp} {subject-name} {message}"


To output a list of service-affecting events in the oneline format:

euserv-describe-events --format oneline
2016-06-20 16:16:08 INFO node the node is operating normally\nFound service status for ENABLED
2016-06-27 17:37:57 ERROR node Error occurred in transport
2016-06-28 07:00:17 ERROR node