Use Riak CS

This topic describes how to configure Riak CS as the object storage backend provider for the Object Storage Gateway (OSG).


For more information on Riak CS, see the Riak documentation.

To configure Riak CS object storage for the OSG
  1. Enter riakcs as the storage provider using the euctl command.
    euctl objectstorage.providerclient=riakcs
  2. Specify the RiakCS/S3 endpoint that you want to use with Eucalyptus. For example:
  3. Provide your RiakCS credentials to access your RiakCS installation:
    euctl objectstorage.s3provider.s3accesskey=RIAK_CS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    euctl objectstorage.s3provider.s3secretkey=RIAK_CS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  4. After successful configuration, check to ensure that the state of the OSG is enabled by running the euserv-describe-services command. For example:
    [root@g-26-03 ~]# euserv-describe-services --show-headers --filter service-type=objectstorage
    SERVICE  TYPE              	ZONE    	NAME                   	  STATE	
    SERVICE  objectstorage      user-api-1  user-api-1.objectstorage  enabled 

    If the state appears as disabled or broken, check the cloud-*.log files in the /var/log/eucalyptus directory. A disabled state generally indicates that there is a problem with your network or credentials. See Eucalyptus Log Files for more information.

The Riak CS backend and OSG are now ready for production.
