Locate and Edit the Console Configuration File

The Eucalyptus Console configuration settings are stored in the console.ini file.

For Centos and RHEL installations from packages, this file is located in /etc/eucaconsole/console.ini.

You should always start (or restart) the console when you make changes to the console configuration.

Start the console using the following command:

systemctl start eucaconsole.service

Restart the console using the following command:

systemctl restart eucaconsole.service

The configurable options in the [app:main] section of the console.ini file are:

Property Description Required Default Value
ufshost Formerly clchost. The IP address or DNS name of the machine running User-Facing Services (UFS), which can be different from the machine running the CLC. For S3 downloads to work, ufshost may not be set to localhost, but specified with the IP or DNS name instead. When the console is used with a federated cloud, the ufshost must be set to the DNS name of the UFS.

For more information, see Set the Cloud Front End IP Address.

yes localhost
ufsport Formerly clcport.The port of your cloud front end. yes 8773
default.region If the Eucalyptus cloud is configured for federation, set the default region. no --
oidc.hostname See OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties table below.    
oidc.client.ini See OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties table below.    
oidc.scope See OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties table below.    
oidc.console.hostname See OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties table below.    
oidc.login.button.label See OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties table below.    
help.url A URL that directs users who select 'help' on the account menu to a help page. You can customize for your installation if you do not want to use the Eucalyptus help system.

For more information, see Set the Help Page URL.

yes https://support.eucalyptus.com/hc/en-us
support.url A URL given to users who have trouble logging in. It may be used to direct them to a cloud admin page or an e-mail address. For example: support.url=http://your-cloud-admin-portal/ support.url=mailto: support@yourdomain.com

For more information, see Set the Administrator Support URL.

yes --
log.useractions To log user interaction in the std console log, set this to true. yes false
aws.enabled When set to true, the AWS tab displays on the login screen.

For more information, see Enable AWS Login.

yes true
aws.default.region The name of the region to show by default when the user logs into AWS. Use any value from the Region column recognized by AWS: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ec2_region

Note: If you log into a multi-region cloud, the system automatically sets a default region based on which ufshost the console is configured to connect to. The console administrator can specify a different value for a user's default region in order to override the natural default, if needed.

yes us-east-1
aws.govcloud.enabled Set to true to enable the AWS us-gov-west-1 region. yes false
static.cache.duration Sets the cache control value for static assets in seconds; defaults to 12 hours. no 43200
browser.password.save Set to true to enable browser password saving. yes false
file.uploads.enabled Defaults to true to enable file uploads for S3/Object Storage. yes true
connection.ssl.validation Set to true to enable validation of the SSL certificate supplied by the ufshost (or other endpoint) to secure the connection to the service endpoint. Requires a properly-signed cert file. yes false
connection.ssl.certfile If certificate validation is enabled, you can specify a different certificate file than the boto-supplied default. no cacerts.txt
cloudformation.samples.bucket Set this to a public bucket that contains JSON templates. no sample-templates
cloudformation.url.whitelist List wildcard patterns that represent acceptable URLs. yes http://*, https://*
connection.debug Set to true to enable very detailed information about communication between the console server and service endpoints. Logs will become cluttered, so do not leave this on under normal operation. yes false
connection.retries Sets the number of retires used when issuing requests to service endpoints. Adjusting this higher may reduce UI responsiveness. yes 2
pyramid.default_locale_name The default locale if none is specified by the browser user agent.

For more information, see Set the Locale.

no en
session.key The session cookie name, which defaults to 'eucaconsole_session'. yes eucaconsole_session
session.keyini The location of a file that contains session encryption keys. yes /etc/eucaconsole/session-keys.ini
session.secure Set to true to send session cookies over a secure connection (e.g., Nginx or a load balancer). Needs to be set to false if SSL is not configured. yes false
session.timeout Sets the idle session timeout in seconds; defaults to 30 minutes. If null, never times out.

For more information, see Configure Session Timeouts.

no 1800
session.cookie_expires Sets the absolute session timeout in seconds; defaults to 12 hours. If null, never expires. See http://beaker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/configuration.html for more information about session options.

For more information, see Configure Session Timeouts.

no 43200
cache.memory.url Set the memory URL used for configuration of regions for dogpile.cache. yes /var/run/eucaconsole/memcached.sock
cache.short_term.expire Minimum limit for cache expiry, in seconds. yes 60
cache.default_term.expire Default for cache expiry, in seconds. yes 300
cache.long_term.expire Longer term limit for cache expiry, in seconds. yes 3600
cache.extra_long_term.expire Maximum limit for cache expiry, in seconds. yes 43200
cache.username Sets a username to be used when SASL authentication is enabled for memcached. If not set, the memcached connection is unauthenticated. no --
cache.password Sets a password to be used when SASL authentication is enabled for memcached. If not set, the memcached connection is unauthenticated. no --
cache.images.disable If true, disable EC2 image cache on Eucalyptus. If false, EC2 image API fetches will be cached for cache.long_term.expire duration. yes true

The configurable options for the OpenID Connect (OIDC) properties in the [app:main] section of the console.ini file are:

Note: OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a Controlled Availability feature. For information about Controlled Availability features in Eucalyptus, see Special Status Release Features.
Property Description Required Default Value
oidc.hostname The OpenID Connect (OIDC) hostname for the ident host. OIDC login functionality is enabled when a value is assigned. Once enabled, all other OIDC properties are required. This property is commented out by default. no --
oidc.client.ini The location of a file that contains the OIDC credentials. This file contains client id and secret that are generated by the ident provider. yes /etc/eucaconsole/oidc-credentials.ini
oidc.scope The OIDC scope is specific to your ident provider and is used in a token API request. yes urn:globus:auth:scope:auth.globus.org:view_identities openid email profile
oidc.console.hostname The OIDC return URL hostname. Required to be the hostname that this console runs as, so callback from the ident provider can return control back to this application. If the console is installed on the UFS host, this value would be the same as ufshost above. It may be different based on where the console is running. yes localhost
oidc.login.button.label The text that appears on the login button. yes Sign in with Globus Auth

The configurable options in the [server:main] section of the console.ini file are:

Property Description Required Default Value
host Set to to allow connections from any host. Set to to allow connections from localhost only, which is preferred if running Nginx. yes
port The port on which the console can be reached.

For more information, see Configure the UI Port.

yes 8888
workers The number of worker processes used to service requests. A rule of thumb is double the number of cores plus one.

For more information, see Configure Workers.

yes 4
tmp_upload_dir Specifies a different directory to be used for file uploads, if set. It should have plenty of space to handle large file uploads. Defaults to the system's temp directory. The 'eucaconsole' user must have write permission to the directory. no /var/tmp

Logging configuration options are at the end of the console.ini file. For more information on these settings, see http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/logging.html.
