
Deletes an account's policy. You must be a cloud administrator or an account administrator to use this command.


euare-accountdelpolicy -a account_name -p policy_name


Option Description Required
-a, --account-name account_name Name of the account the policy is associated with Yes
-p, --policy-name policy_name Name of the policy document to delete Yes

Common Options

Option Description
--region=region Region to direct requests to.
-U url,--url=url Override service URL with this value.
-I access_key_id, --access-key=access_key_id Override configured access key ID with this value.
-S secret_key, --secret-key=secret_key Override configured secret key with this value.
--security-token=token Security token.
--debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.
--version Display the version of this tool.


Eucalyptus does not return any message.


euare-accountdelpolicy -a myacct -p mypolicy