
Returns Amazon resource name (ARN) and user ID for a role.


euare-rolegetattributes -r rolename [--as-account account]


Option Description Required
-r, --role-name user_name Name of the user whose attributes you want to get. If you don't specify this parameter, it defaults to the user making the request. No
--show-extra Display additional user information. No
--as-account account [Eucalyptus cloud administrator only] Run this command as the administrator of another account. No

Common Options

Option Description
--region=region Region to direct requests to.
-U url,--url=url Override service URL with this value.
--as-account account This Eucalyptus extension is for use by the system administrator to act as the account administrator of the specified account without changing to account administrator's role.
-I access_key_id, --access-key=access_key_id Override configured access key ID with this value.
-S secret_key, --secret-key=secret_key Override configured secret key with this value.
--security-token=token Security token.
-D, --debug Prints what the command sends to the server and what it receives from the server. Use when you're trying to debug Euca2ools.
--debugger Enable interactive debugger on error.
-h,--help Display the manual page for the command.
--version Display the version of this tool.


When you use the -u option to specify a user, Eucalyptus returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and user ID for that user. When you don't specify a user, Eucalyptus returns the ARN and the AWS account ID of the user making the request.


The following example returns attributes for the user making the request.


The following example returns attribtes for the user, myuser.

euare-rolegetattributes -u myuser