Modifying an Elastic Load Balancing Configuration

Elastic load balancing requires two basic elements to function properly: a load balancer and instances registered with that load balancer. The following examples show how to modify the basic elements of an elastic load balancer configuration.

De-register instances from the Load Balancer

The load balancer monitors the health of registered instances, and balances incoming traffic across the healthy instances.To deregister an instance from the load balancer: Enter the following command:

eulb-deregister-instances-from-lb --instances INSTANCE1,INSTANCE2,... MyLoadBalancer

Enter the following command to verify that the instances are deregistered from the load balancer: eulb-describe-instance-health MyLoadBalancer This command will return output similar to the following:


Delete Load Balancer Listeners

To delete a load balancer listener:

Enter the following command:

eulb-delete-lb-listeners --lb-ports PORT1,PORT2,... MyLoadBalancer

Delete Load Balancer

To delete a load balancer:

Enter the following command:

eulb-delete-lb MyLoadBalancer

You’ve now deleted the elastic load balancer.